Posts Tagged ‘striper fishing’
Posted on June 4th, 2012 by captain
May Striper fishing was nothing short of fantastic, and June has the potential to be one of the best months ever. Cape Cod Bay has been absolutely loaded with Mackeral, Herring, Squid, and Sandeels, and it seems as if you can walk on the 32″-38″ Stripers that are chasing them.
Our “worst” trip so far this season had 10 keepers plus shorts, and we’ve had numerous trips with 20 and 30+ keepers. I don’t know how long the mackeral will stay, but the normal trip has consisted of filling the livewell with macs and then using every single one for Bass. While the livelining has been fun, we’ve also been doing very well vertical jigging with 12 lb spinnig outfits – 38″ bass on light tackle has been an absolute blast.
While the numbers of Stripers have been outstanding, June is the month when we start to see the real big girls. The CC Canal and Buzzards Bay have been holding some real cows. As this moon passes, look for the real bigs to migrate into the Bay. The next two weeks should have some serious fish.
Good luck out there.
Tags: cape cod bay fishing, cape cod fishing charter, cape cod fishing charters, cape cod fishing report, cape cod striper charter, cape cod striper fishing, laura jay charters, massachusetts fishing, massachusetts fishing report, massachusetts striper fishing, sandwich fishing, sandwich fishing charter, striper fishing
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Posted on July 16th, 2011 by captain
Still haven’t had time to really catch up on reports, but this one deserves its own post.
Sunday, July 10th – Captain Don decided that he had run charters too many days in a row and needed a day off. So he went to church and took his Grand-sons fishing at 9:30. Great Day on the water. His daughter Laura caught a few nice keepers, and Grand-son Jack (age 8 ) caught a few as well including his biggest fish to date – a 27.5 lb 45″ Striped-Bass.
Could very well been our favorite trip of the season.

Tags: cape cod bay fishing, cape cod fishing, cape cod fishing charters, cape cod fishing report, cape cod striper charter, cape cod striper fishing, fishing report, laura jay charters, striper fishing
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Posted on July 12th, 2011 by captain

Well, Striper Fishing in the Bay has been outstanding. Too tired to do a good job of updating the site regularly – but that’s a good thing. We’ve been fishing nearly every day for the last month and a half, and Cape Cod Bay has treated our customers very, very well. Will try to keep up with the pics and reports – check out our Facebook page as that is often easier and quicker to update.
Good luck out there.
Captain Don
Tags: cape cod bay fishing, cape cod bay tuna, cape cod fishing, cape cod fishing charter, cape cod fishing charters, cape cod fishing report, cape cod striper charter, cape cod striper fishing, laura jay charters, striped-bass, striper fishing, stripers, tube and worm
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Posted on June 1st, 2011 by captain

Friday’s good Striper fishing continued right through the weekend. Saturday we started out by jigging up some Mackeral in front of the canal, but unfortunately the live bait bite wasn’t as good as Friday. We ran down to Billingsgate and found good numbers of Bass right on the shoal. There was a very good bite on rigs, but since we had a family with four kids on board, we didn’t want to put out the wire. This probably resulted in less overall fish than we could have had, but with a little extra time and switching a few things around, all the kids got plenty of fish. Sometimes you have to give a little extra time, but you do what it takes to get the job done.
Sunday the bite on the Shoal was very good, and we got alot of fish with mini-rigs trolled on lead-core line. The troll bite was constant, and lasted all morning – not sure of the fish count, but it was solid. Right after the tide turned, all the fish came up and we put the troll rigs away for some light tackle casting. Grabbed a bunch of fish on the spin gear, and even got a couple of nice ones on 12 lb test. Just a great time with fish and birds busting all around the boat.
Back out there tomorrow with a morning and afternoon trip. Give a call for availability – right now we’re booked 20 of the 30 days in June, but we definately have some afternoon trips available.
Tags: cape cod bay tuna, cape cod fishing charter, cape cod fishing charters, cape cod fishing report, cape cod striper charter, cape cod striper fishing, cape cod tuna fishing, laura jay charters, sandwich fishing, sandwich fishing charter, striped-bass, striper fishing
Posted in Reports | Comments Off on Cape Cod Bay Striper Fishing
Posted on May 28th, 2011 by captain
Striper Season in the bay is off to a great start. The unbelievable 2 week blitz that occured in the canal got an aweful lot of press, and those fish have moved through and set up in their usual haunts in Cape Cod Bay. All of the spring areas are holding fish – good numbers on Billingsgate and up at P-town, and lots of good fish feeding on the Mackeral Schools between Sandwich and Barnstable.
Friday morning we jigged up about 40 macs in 20 min right in front of the canal. Made the quick run down to Barnstable for the outgoing tide. The bite there has been very good, but we got chased out by all the schoolie bass (and a few small keepers). We made the run out to one of our deeper water spots and found nice action with cookie-cutter 36″ fish. Fun fishing, with the largest Bass of the day a tad over 40 inches. Great morning on the water.
June’s New Moon is on Wednesday – look for the season’s first push of really Big Fish to come through mid-week. The bait is there, and the timing is perfect for some great days.
Tags: bluefin tuna fishing, cape cod bay tuna, cape cod fishing, cape cod fishing charter, cape cod fishing charters, cape cod fishing report, cape cod striper charter, cape cod striper fishing, Cape Cod Tuna Charter, laura jay charters, sandwich fishing, striped-bass, striper charter, striper fishing, stripers
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Posted on August 31st, 2010 by captain

Thursay – Saturday Report
This week’s Noreaster was a bit of a pain in that we had to cancel/reschedule a bunch of trips, but there were some good parts about it as well. One – we needed a break, and as much as you don’t want to cancel any trips during the busy season, sometimes you just need sleep. Second, a good noreaster can hit the “reset” button on the ocean by turning the water over, and getting the fish back on the feed.
The combination of the full moon and the Noreaster did just that as things picking back up and the Fall fishing conditions are just starting .
Thursday – we ran a 1/2 day Striper trip with a fun group from California that are spending the week on vacation in Orleans. The week of North wind pushed a ton of bait onto the beach between Sandwich and Barnstable so it was nice to have good fishing with a very short run. We ended up fishing the outer Channel at Barnstable, and there were big schools of Bass stacked up on the edges. They were tight to the bottom, so we had to jig – but it was well worth it. Customers got their limit and we released a bunch as well – overall a really fun afternoon.
Friday – We headed offshore with a 1/2 Tuna 1/2 Bass trip. Commercial Striper season is over, so our bait guy is back in business. It was nice to come down and have a keeper trap filled with live Pogies. Got set-up on the Bank in an area with alot of bait and big marks on the machine – this was the best the Bank has looked in about a month. On our second drift, we had a minke whale swim right through our balloons. In the middle of telling the customers that’s a good thing, the tuna hang with the whales, the long balloon went off. Long story short, the Fish was a freight train, and dumped 2/3 of an 80 Wide with 40lbs of drag on the first run while we were backing down at about 6 knots. Unfortunately, the fish chafed off on the leader. Live by the light leaders – die by the light leaders – it was a heck of a ride while it lasted, good to have a real Giant on for a bit.
That was our only tuna for the day – they guys really just wanted to bend some rods, so we headed in to the shoals to Bass fish. We jigged up a few keepers, shorts, and big blues – overall not great fishing, but we made a day of it.
Sunday – Great trip with one of our favorite customers. The Ruch family came back again this year on their annual trip from Buffalo, and we had a great day. Last report I mentioned things lining up for the big bass run close to home, and they definately have. We fished tight to the beach at Sandwich, in less than 20′ of water, and despite the crowd of knuckleheads, we had a great day. 10 good fish, and 4 were between 25 and 30 lbs (on a real scale – all the guestimates at the dock were alot more). We also broke off 2 will keep me up at night for quite a while. Overall the bite was slower than we expected, and alot of boats went home skunked. But given the number of fish on the screen when they turn on for real, it will be insane.
Tags: bluefin tuna fishing, cape cod bay fishing, cape cod fishing, cape cod fishing charters, cape cod fishing report, cape cod striper charter, cape cod striper fishing, Cape Cod Tuna Charter, cape cod tuna fishing, laura jay charters, rigging for bluefin tuna, sandwich fishing, sandwich fishing charter, striper fishing, tube and worm, tuna fishing
Posted in Reports | Comments Off on Laura-Jay Striper and Tuna Report
Posted on July 7th, 2010 by captain

Striper fishing in Cape Cod Bay has continued to be excellent. We’re riding a nice streak here, limiting out every charter over the last two weeks (knocking wood while I write this).
While that’s been fun, Saturday’s trip gave us reason to brag:
Kate and Jack (Captain Don’s Grandkids) age 7 and 9 made their first trip looking for some keeper Stripers. Fishing was great and the Bass cooperated. Each of the kids got 6 or 7 nice keepers, with Kate leading the day with a 38″ fish and Jack following up with one a little better than 36″. We are also fishing in the Canal Bait and Tackle Striper Tourney this week, and to make their day official we went and weighed up the fish. Although I’m sure they were knocked out within the hour, the kids did rank 1 and 2 on the leaderboard after their weigh in – and to a couple of little kids, that might have been the highpoint of the summer.
On the tuna front – they are all over the place. Don took a group out whalewatching today, and just for kicks put one line out when the tuna came up smashing everywhere. They ended up losing the fish they hooked, but it was just some extra fun while checking out the whales.
Tags: cape cod fishing charter, cape cod fishing report, cape cod striper fishing, cape cod tuna fishing, laura jay charters, massachusetts fishing report, sandwich fishing, striped-bass, striper fishing
Posted in Reports | Comments Off on Laura-Jay Weekend Striper Report
Posted on July 3rd, 2010 by captain
Laura Cianciolo has a knack for finding big fish whenever she gets back to the Cape from her home in Florida. Two years ago she showed up for summer vacation and nailed 5, thirty pounders her first day back.
Well, today she waited around until we finished our morning charter, and hit the water at the around 2:00. We trolled for about an hour, and Laura started off her season with a nice 34 lb Bass. About 2 hours total on the water including travel time was all she needed.
Some people just have the knack.
Tags: cape cod fishing, cape cod fishing charter, cape cod striper fishing, massachusetts fishing, sandwich fishing, striped-bass, striper fishing, stripers, tube and worm
Posted in Reports | Comments Off on Laura-Jay Charters 34 lb Striper
Posted on July 3rd, 2010 by captain
Great trip this morning with a family in from Rye, NY. Three kids on the trip tod
ay, I believe 13, 11, and 3 – whole goal of the trip was to get the kids their fist Stripers and maybe learn a little about fishing while they were at it. Jack, the oldest, figuered out the process really quick, and in no time he was taking care of the trolling rigs on his own and landing fish like he’d been doing in for years. Not to be outdone, his sister Jaime had the biggest fish of the morning at about 36″ plus a bunch of otheres. Even the 3 year old got in on the action as she “helped” her dad reel one in.
Overall, a great day with a great family. Hope to see them back again next year.
Tags: cape cod fishing, cape cod striper fishing, laura jay charters, massachusetts fishing, sandwich fishing, striped-bass, striper fishing
Posted in Reports | Comments Off on Laura-Jay Charters 7/2 Cape Cod Bay Striper Fishing
Posted on May 24th, 2010 by captain
Saturday kicked off Striper season with our first Bass Charter of the year. Great group of guys in from Hartford. New schools of Stripers are pushing into the bay daily. We had good action on the shoals Saturday, lots of schoolies on top and good #’s of 30″-34″ underneath. Cape Cod Bay is filled with Mackeral and Whiting right now – the big fish should be moving in on these any day now (although there are already some ones here already).
Sunday was a fun day, as we took the next generation (Jack and Kate) out for some Mackeral fishing. The kids had a great time bailing macs, and they liked the fact that they were helping to get ready for tuna season by catching the bait.
And yes, the rumors are true – a Giant Tuna was taken on Stellwagon this week, and many more have been seen. Should be a great June fishery this year.
Good luck out there,
Captain Don
Tags: cape cod fishing charter, fishing report, sandwich fishing, striper charter, striper fishing
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